Monday, June 24, 2013

Day Two - Stress Rising

      I knew that this week would be a slightly stressful one.  I wasn't sure how the stress would affect me.  I am trying to be chill but I can feel my blood pressure rising - my temples are pounding... I walk in the door to kids wanting lunch, a child begging to go fishing, trying to figure out if tonight's baseball game is cancelled or still on...and I'm hungry.  This morning's smoothie (celery, carrot, chia, strawberry, peach, walnuts and kale) stuck with me nicely but now... I am starting to feel growly.  I'm thinking a lentil and cauliflower curry - gonna make plenty so I have lunches or dinners for the week.  And I have to figure out dinner for the crew tonight.  And make cupcakes for Sam's birthday for his team mates - if they have a game.  If not, boys will be walking baseball cupcakes to the neighbors.

    So, in moving forward with days/weeks that I know are going to be stressful (everything except being gone all morning surrounded by fourteen 5 year olds -and I love 5 year olds... it's the whole fourteen of them part that makes my right eye twitch more than a little - anyhow... everything except the being gone all morning thing is a typical day here - so my daily routine (but I normally add several hours of work into the mix) is just, by the very nature of having 3 active boys and a busy husband, slightly stressful.  That was quite a run on.... the end of the thought is that on days that I know are going to be stressful, I'm going to need a plan.  Not sure what the plan looks like yet, but I need to have something in place to combat the munchies.  I'm thankful that I don't have a sweet tooth, but right now, my salty cravings are going insane.

    Journaling through this has already been helpful - gives me something to do other than think about the steak I am craving right now.  Flank steak.  On the grill.  With bleu cheese compound butter.  I have been dairy - free for a year and a half and I had a hard time separating from cheese, but after about a month without, I was fine.  That craving has returned with a vengance.  I think it is just now, because I'm feeling stressed, once I get a nice warming curry in my tummy, I should be good.  I hope.

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